Wedge Rock
Offering some of the best products in the industry.
Our Products
Wedge Rock Planetary Gears
Compact, Efficiency – Most Configurations > 90%, Fewer Turns to Close/Lower Input Torque, External Anti-Back Drive – Configurable to Application, Deisgned for Submerged Service – Surpasses IP68, Nearly Zero Backlash fpr High Resolution Control, Quarter Turn – Multi-Turn – Rising Stem.
Wedge Rock Worm Gears
Standard Efficiency and High Efficiency, Extends Size and Class of Manual Valves, Fewer Turns to Close/Lower Input Torque, External Anti-Back Drive – Configurable to Application, Designed for Submerged Service – Surpass IP68, Nearly Zero Backlash for High Resolution Control.
Wedge Rock RS
Electric Actuator Driven Mechanical Spring Return Operator. Based on industry accepted rack and pinion frame, planetary stacks to provide required mechanical advantage from input, and helical compression springs, we added our patented Poly Lock to protect actuator from back-driving. The RS passively holds spring force and valve in normal position until a failed condition signal releases spring energy, which acts on the rack, moving the valve to the fail position – speed controlled by an adjustable damper.